Oliver - Oliver Xtron110
Published: 03 Oct 2007 - 19:04 by alex jb
Updated: 07 Oct 2007 - 03:01
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Hi Folks,
I'm new to the forum but have been playing squash for 20 years!
I have gone through a variety of rackets (some wooden!) abd was playing last season with Sabre Rapier power, when 2 broke at the end of the season I decided to change and had a try of the Xtron110 and it felt goos, very similar to another friends Technifibre, but obviously cheaper.
I bought 2 and had only 6 weeks out of them untill the first one broke at the throat and I think the other one has a crack now too, this kind of thing used to happen in te early days of graphite rackes, is it still that common for rackets to break this easily?
I paly for a local club in Leics divisions but all my fellow players have prince, technifibre and head rackets that seem to just go on and on.
I like head light and hate vibration, what would be a good suggestion to try instead of the short lasting sabre and oliver?
Alex JB.

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From ferris69 - 07 Oct 2007 - 03:01
From gregzilla - 06 Oct 2007 - 02:41
If you're looking for head light, I'd recommend the Dunlop m-fil Ultra (there are a couple of newer models as well, Ultra 130, 135 and 140). I quite like mine, but there is a bit of vibration. I use the supplied dampner to take care of that. I just broke mine after 9 months of rigorous use. I'm not a complete wall basher but I have given it several good accidental whacks while playing.
From alex jb - 05 Oct 2007 - 20:24 - Updated: 05 Oct 2007 - 21:16
Thanks for the replies, yes the racket is sold as 110g frame weight but it din't feel as light as the sabre rapier power which is supposed to be 130c frame weight, it must have been the balance of the sabre was even more head light.
Is the Ice tour anything like the hot melt pro? I tried one of the hot melts and got a lot of vibration from it, maybe it's me not hitting the ball with the sweet spot enough!
From aprice1985 - 04 Oct 2007 - 01:53
From ferris69 - 04 Oct 2007 - 01:01
If your Oliver racket is 110 grammes (as the name would suggest) i would day that is too light for a squash racket and will break easily.
I like a head light racket with no flex too and would suggest either head metallix 130 or Dunop Ice tour which you can pick up cheaply on the internet as it's an old model. Just my opinion of course!
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