Gold Membership Features Video
Published: 25 Sep 2007 - 11:31 by raystrach
Updated: 02 Nov 2007 - 17:25
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We now have all Squashgame Gold features working well so here is a something of a run down on what is now available and how it works.
For an overview watch this video (new window)
Watch this Video on our Special Library Discussion (new window)
Squashgame Gold Video
- There is an initial offering of about 50 technical videos
- All videos are listed under the Squash Game Gold tab at the top of the page
- Videos are also distributed throughout the library under relevant headings
- We are in the process of producing many more which will be added over the next couple of weeks and then on an ongoing basis
Squashgame Gold Discussion
- Gold members get exclusive access to all the discussion points throughout the library
- Every page has a page discussion plus discussions are also possible on each sub heading
- to see the latest in discussions click here
- this link is replicated on the front page
- Any Gold member can initiate a discussion at any time to either ask questions of Rita or me or to seek information or opinion from other Gold members
Relevant Content and Tags
- Relevant Content is available from every forum page and every library page - the menu will appear at the top left of the page
- The drop down lists will show up to 10 of the most relevant or popular links to other similar content
- The same applies to relevant video
- Clicking on the main menu item takes you to the full list of relevant links
- You can also click on the tags to bring up all the content with that tag
- The My Tag link is a list of the tag searches you have performed recently
These features could make a real difference to the information you can access from and the ease of navigating between pages, so I hope you take advantage of them. If you are not already a Squashgame Gold member, click here to join.
There are plenty more features in the pipeline, so keep checking back if what we have so far is not quite what you want. How to add images to Members' Forum posts and replies here...Replies...
Please Note: The most recent replies are now at the top!
From rippa rit - 02 Nov 2007 - 17:22 - Updated: 02 Nov 2007 - 17:25
From aprice1985 - 28 Sep 2007 - 07:50
Sorry, only members can post replies on this and all other Members` Forum items.
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Since the tags have been made available to all members for ease of following topics, the "Relevant videos" tag will be accessible to Gold Members only.
That means for each topic, eg tip, squash library article, and forum posts, tags will appear, in the column on the lefthand side relating to the topic being viewed at the time. Just one click on the related tag and the relevant info will appear; well, provided I have put all the keywords in of course!
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