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British Open Final FREE TO VIEW

Published: 24 Sep 2007 - 07:48 by adrian@psalive.t

Updated: 16 Oct 2007 - 20:21

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Hi Everyone

Just to let you all know that the British Open Final is Free to view on tonight at 8pm UK Time.

Please spread to word for your squash mates who are web savvy !


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From adrian@psalive.t - 16 Oct 2007 - 20:21

Solving the Sync problem - is does seem that something changed with the PA at the squash centre which made the sound just a fraction out on Video which was very annoying for us as we always spend a few hours on setup day making sure that sort of thing works.

You should watch using the VLC player for which there is a link on PSALIVE and VLC player does have a really useful little function whereby you can press Ctrl J or Ctrl K which will delay the sound backwards/forwards.

Give it a try.

My little plug on PSALIVE DVD's is that they are fantastic quality - a full match takes up a whole DVD and the superpacks are matches which are awesome matches - no longer do we just put on the semis and final from a major tournament and charge £25 for the 3 matches (2 of which may not be good matches to watch). Now we mix together matches from tournaments (and from earlier rounds as well) so the superpacks are brilliant to watch - I'd recommend the one with Canary/TOC on as the 1st purchase.


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From missing_poster39 - 08 Oct 2007 - 04:57

From ferris69 - 08 Oct 2007 - 03:33

I paid £9.99 for 2 hours (2 programmes) of super series squash which i thought was pretty good value and the quality was excellent.

Not tried any of the PSA live DVDs but interested in the quality.

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From jimbob1965 - 07 Oct 2007 - 08:44

Hi ferris69.  How much did you pay for that DVD on EBay?  Just had a look and can't see any more for sale.  I do wonder if someone copying from Sky for onward distribution is legal though!

Anyone ever purchased any DVDs?  Just wondering what the quality is like as I may give it a try, or drop some hints to family members re Christmas present ideas!  Can anyone also recommend a good squash instructional book suitable for an intermediate who wants to improve both technically and tactically?



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From ferris69 - 07 Oct 2007 - 03:07

Mine was out of sync too and i'm afraid i found Gawain Briars commentary off putting. I know it was free so shouldn't complain too much. I recently bought a DVD off ebay that was copied direct from sky and it was superb quality and very good value i thought and you can watch it on the big plasma TV which annoys the missus even more!!



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From jimbob1965 - 06 Oct 2007 - 10:37

Thanks junaidq.  I already had the DivX player and agree with what you say re quality of playback, but the sync problem remains.

I suppose I should not complain too much re this download as it was free and would concur with what Sparty said re's overall service, which is excellent for the price.  I do attend the odd tournament over here in the UK, but it's the only way I get to see as much quality squash as I want at a time that suits me.



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From yaehbhi - 06 Oct 2007 - 08:47

Jimbob, in this particular case I've found that the voice quality is much better in DivX player as compared to VLC.

You can download DivX player from:



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From rippa rit - 06 Oct 2007 - 07:24   -   Updated: 06 Oct 2007 - 07:30

Viper - WISPA have a Live Score Board operating during the event matches.

Here is the link to the WISPA DVD Order Form

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From nickhitter - 05 Oct 2007 - 10:14

It seems to be an issue with the encoding of that particular file. All the other DivX files from PSAlive I have downloaded are fine. On this one however, the audio is few frames ahead of the video which means you hear the sound of the ball hitting the wall when it's just left the racket. It's only slightly out but if you're a nit picker (like squash geeks tend to be!) it's a little frustrating, but I don't think it spoils watching it. it's still a great match.

Overall the quality of PSAlive is excellent these days. I'm really glad of the service and since they started doing .avi replays the actual production and recording at the event has got better too.

I'm happy with the video quality for the price now (taking the british open and super series finals as examples) I still think that audio could improve ( better balance between the two commentators - Adrian is always really loud!, more court sounds, better mics maybe? etc) but I'm sure this will get there in the future.

Overall good job Adrian, Don't think this critcism means we aren't really grateful for the job you do.



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From jimbob1965 - 05 Oct 2007 - 08:56

Adrian, I have just downloaded VLC Media Player but the audio and video are still out of sync.  Any further suggestions?



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From adrian@psalive.t - 05 Oct 2007 - 08:38

The forum is just being upgraded.

A few people have reported it but I think its just a codec problem - Trying playing it using VLC player. A link exists from the psalive screen you get when you click on the (R)

I just played it on my Windows Media Player and it was fine all the way through (and my PC is separate from the PCs that create the files).

We have talked about reloading a new file up but as you say 700Mb is quite large file - good job we have lots of bandwidth - (half a terabyte went out yesterday)



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From jimbob1965 - 05 Oct 2007 - 08:20

There is a synchronisation problem between sound and video too with my download.  I have just raised this with their support, as it is really off-putting and spoils the enjoyment of the match.  I ended up turning the sound down but then gave up watching as you miss the commentary, which as Sparty said, was very enlightening and entertaining. 

I hope there is a way to fix this without having to download all 700 Mb again, as there is a download limit with my ISP and I am already sailing close to the wind with the amount of live streaming or downloading of matches I have done lately via PSAlive!



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From Viper - 04 Oct 2007 - 21:20

Hi adrian, thanks for your efforts at psalive.


Can you tell me what is going on with the dead forum on the PSA site, it would be useful to ask question on when having difficultity with downloads etc.


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From adrian@psalive.t - 04 Oct 2007 - 20:51

I still don't get notifications of anyone posting to this so I see there has been activity - we had an amazing amount of action on our website on that evening which caught us by surprise - but as noted here, we put up a basic web page which gave people direct links to the streaming servers which were more than capable of handling what we could throw at them.

Sorry to those who had problems on the night and do download the replay - even the rush on the replay (1Tb of data in a day) caused a few initial problems but we are back on track now.

The DivX of the match is great quality and you should view it with something called VLC player.

All I can say for the Women is that you contact WISPA and ask them about webcasting - maybe when they realise how useful the service is, then they might get it going - you missed a classic women's match.

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From Viper - 04 Oct 2007 - 18:10

Thanks Rita, perhaps the women should come to some arrangement to get more exposure ?

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From rippa rit - 04 Oct 2007 - 17:59   -   Updated: 04 Oct 2007 - 18:06

Here is an extract from psalive email:

"Because of the massive uptake in this offer, we did experience some technical problems which meant that our main server had to be reset, and some users experienced problems starting the video stream. We know that most of you did get through once we had put up an alternative method of viewing the video and the final was late starting by 30 minutes as well.

We apologise to all those who where affected by this problem, as it severely disrupted our other services to PSALIVE viewers as well. The web site was available again shortly after the final had finished, however we know that many people where unhappy at the situation of not being able to view the final for free.

 Because of this, we’ve come to the decision to give the ‘Download and Own’ copy of the match away for free also. This means that all registered members will be able to re-watch the hi-quality DivX match for free, and those who have already purchased the DivX will have the fee for that match refunded back into their account."

I did not see any reference to women's matches. Silly me, of course, PSA is a service for male players who belong to the PSA (Men) and the women belong to WISPA.  Examples of this are, if the tournament is not a PSA tournament it will not be covered by psalive.


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From Viper - 04 Oct 2007 - 17:45

Are the womens free to download, cannot find it if it is ?

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From Viper - 04 Oct 2007 - 11:32

Tried again and got it down thanks

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From hamburglar - 04 Oct 2007 - 10:16

LOL, I caught that statement too. I think he went to The School of Redundancy School.

Try the download again, it was much faster with more time since the announcement, I think there was a rush on the bandwidth

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From nickhitter - 04 Oct 2007 - 09:31

I managed to download it ok, however on my system there is sync problem between the audio and video on this file, which is a shame because the video quality is excellent.

I also like Gawain Briars 'horse racing' style commentary, complete with comedy 'Colemanballs' like "lincou forces the unforced error from gaultier" classic!

great match.

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From Viper - 04 Oct 2007 - 08:34

I have tried to down load it a number of times and can only manage to get the first few minutes of the introduction, about 60mg anyone else having trouble ?

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From rippa rit - 04 Oct 2007 - 07:15

psalive viewers - I have just received an email saying, because of the disappointment of viewing the free offer, they are now offering a "Download and own" offer for FREE to its registered members.

Go for it!

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From jimbob1965 - 25 Sep 2007 - 05:31

Seems they have sorted a temporary fix.  If you go to the website, they have loaded a temporary page with a link to view the match, which I can confirm is working.  I'm connected now listening to Adrian's explanations - he's blaming the large numbers of French logging on!



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From jimbob1965 - 25 Sep 2007 - 05:11

Same problem here Sparty.  I would rather have paid the £1.80 to be guaranteed being able to watch the final.  There are going to be lots of disappointed people out there, me included.  Bit of a classic own goal here by  Surely they must have anticipated the demand?



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From nickhitter - 25 Sep 2007 - 05:02

Can't even log on to the psalive site at the mo. faster/bigger servers needed if your gonna be doing these kind of offers methinks!

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From rippa rit - 24 Sep 2007 - 08:44

Thanks Adrian - I did put a post in the Squash News a few days ago of your viewing offer.

The finals will be:

Womens -  Nicol David (MAL) v Rachael Grinham (AU)

Mens - Gregory Gaultier (FR) v Thierry Lincou (FR)

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