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rehab for elbow problem.

Published: 20 Sep 2007 - 11:57 by treiziste

Updated: 14 Jun 2008 - 13:12

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HI, just a line to ask advice as to how to overcome an elbow complaint I have recently acquired.I have been playing twice a week for a few months and presently have rested my elbow for two weeks without any noticeable effect.

Any ideas would be appreciated.


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From raystrach - 21 Sep 2007 - 01:09

a few more details will help treiziste eg.

  • where is it sore?
  • is it muscular or is it sore on the joint itself or both?

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From rippa rit - 20 Sep 2007 - 18:31   -   Updated: 14 Jun 2008 - 13:12

A search "sore elbow" will bring up four or so replies.

Also the Forum archives do have lots of info to help our members, listed above under Member's Forum is a tab.

There is not one easy answer as you will see from the discussions.

Hope you soon get back on the court.

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