2 British open tickets this saturday -half price??
Published: 19 Sep 2007 - 07:50 by ferris69
Updated: 30 Mar 2009 - 09:57
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I have 2 tickets (seated very close to the front) on the back wall for the evening session for this saturday of the British Open
They were £25 each and are back wall premium seats.
I am happy to sell them at £25 for the pair of tickets - so half price. Someone has let me down that can't go.
I will be there anyway so can meet you outside to give you the tickets.
You can pay me by paypal or just bring the cash.
Let me know if anyone is interested. Should be Wilstrop v palmer and Lincou v Boswell as well as 2 women's quater finals.
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They were £25 each and are back wall premium seats.
I am happy to sell them at £25 for the pair of tickets - so half price. Someone has let me down that can't go.
I will be there anyway so can meet you outside to give you the tickets.
You can pay me by paypal or just bring the cash.
Let me know if anyone is interested. Should be Wilstrop v palmer and Lincou v Boswell as well as 2 women's quater finals.
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From ferris69 - 24 Sep 2007 - 20:37
From nickhitter - 24 Sep 2007 - 03:18 - Updated: 30 Mar 2009 - 09:57
From nickhitter - 19 Sep 2007 - 22:23 - Updated: 30 Mar 2009 - 09:54
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No probs, glad you enjoyed it. I checked the internet when i got home about 11.30pm and saw that the match was still on!! Looked like a classic.
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