Head - Metallix vs Flexpoint
Published: 15 Sep 2007 - 12:29 by dpiedra
Updated: 27 Oct 2007 - 01:40
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From ferris69 - 27 Oct 2007 - 01:40
From mike - 26 Oct 2007 - 09:44
I've had both, a Flexpoint 150 and a Metallix 130.
I like the grip shape of the Metallix much better...the FP is quite rectangular and I don't really know how to hold it. The metallix is rounder and more comfortable.
Otherwise I liked the feel of both racquets. Can't compare too directly as they are different weights. IMO the M130 was a more powerful racquet, and the FP150 better for drops, lobs and touch shots.
I'm currently using a Karakal Pro 3T2 for durability reasons. (It's a good racquet too).
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