Wilson - Triad N130
Published: 06 Sep 2007 - 15:18 by kstevenson
Updated: 11 Nov 2007 - 00:55
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I am looking at buying a Wilson Triad N130 but reading the info on the racquet it says the system absorbs the shock of the ball hitting the strings. Does it also take away the 'feel' for the ball? Anyone playing with one who can advise what it's like?
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From idyllic - 11 Nov 2007 - 00:55
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I've played with both the nCode 120 and 130. Though I really liked the 120 it let me down as the strings broke quite often. Same goes for the 130. The 130 has less 'feel' than the 120 provides.
Because I hit with a natural slice, and the string pattern on the Wilson's 120 and 130 are both more open, and are only 12 strings across, this provides more string movement which acts like a saw. This movement wears the strings out and requires minute adjustement after almost every rally.
I tried the Black Knight Quicksilver and discvoered the touch of my old '120', plus way more power. The denser string pattern should as well save me several restringings per year.
Just my experience....
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