looking for racquet
Published: 10 Nov 2004 - 07:04 by the_snail
Updated: 19 Sep 2008 - 17:47
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i am after the unsquashable brand of squash recquets. the exact model is the "DSP 1500 C4 Lite". i have broken mine and would love to know where a replacement can be bought. the racquet i had was from thailand and i cannot get in contact with the business over there.
i live in the hunter valley, new south wales, australia, but i have not been able to source a local reseller.if anyone knows of australian stockists, i would be very gratefull

Please Note: The most recent replies are now at the top!
From candaholsted - 21 Jul 2006 - 12:21
From candaholsted - 21 Jul 2006 - 12:14
From the_snail - 06 Jan 2005 - 08:13
i managed to get the racquet of ebay from a guy in england.
but i see that they are still available. a few other guys i play squash with are interested in the racquets so i will pass the info onto these guys.
thanx again
From raystrach - 05 Jan 2005 - 10:25
it may be a bit late but i did track down this uk stockist. follow this link:
UK Fitness Supplies
From rippa rit - 13 Nov 2004 - 00:17
I have been watching with interest to see if anyone can help with the racket question. So far no luck?
Anyway, I will be surprised if the same racket under the same name is available since rackets are manufactured in very large batches (for economical reasons), then that batch is sold, and it might take 2 years to clear the stock, say, and then that "run" is all gone, with the new batch looking like a new model, and so the cycle continues.
The recognised brands do have well constructed rackets these days, and maybe if you weighed your "favourite" racket, and then chose one, of that weight, that would be a close match.
A racket weighing about 138/140grams is considered good weight.
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