Technifibre Carboflex 140 2008 model
Published: 29 Aug 2007 - 02:54 by crorks
Updated: 29 Aug 2007 - 14:56
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Hi everyone... I was wondering if you could help? I used to play a lot of squash three or four years ago with Head Ti150's (grey looking racquets) and loved them, but then bought a newer head model (head intelligence 140) which didn't feel anywhere near as good and broke after only a couple of matches so now that I am looking to start playing seriously again I have lost faith in Head and have been hearing a lot about the above racquet (Tecnifibre Carbolfex 140) and it looks like it could be similar to my old Ti150 as well as being something a bit different to pull out of the squash bag as I haven't seen anybody use them before. Has anybody here used the new model, and if so I would be grateful to hear your opinions on it...
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