Recommend a squash racket for around £50-£60
Published: 29 Aug 2007 - 01:42 by toto8462
Updated: 29 Aug 2007 - 14:53
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I foolishly lent my squash racket to a friend whilst at uni for an evening, and it came back in two pieces. It was a really cheap racket and now i want to get something better.
I have been playing for two years and consider myself a fairly decent amateur player and was wondering (because i am relativly clueless about what makes a Head better or worse than a Dunlop or Karakal) what i should buy!
I was looking at a Karakal BX-140 for £56.
Can anyone offer advice on what they would buy for £60?

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From toto8462 - 29 Aug 2007 - 02:57
From ferris69 - 29 Aug 2007 - 02:14
Head Metallix 150 which you can get if you shop around for £60.
or go for an out of date model such as Dunlop Ice Tour, Dunlop Mfil tour or Head Flexpoint.
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