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Adidas Stabil 6 or Stabil 7 ?

Published: 19 Aug 2007 - 03:07 by desicrombie

Updated: 06 Aug 2009 - 02:40

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Hello everyone I am in debate of buying Stabil 6 or 7?  If someone can help me on this, I will really appreciate it.

I am getting Stabil 7 for US $ 75 inclusive of shipping and Taxes and Stabil 6 for $ 64 inclusive of shipping and taxes.

If you can compare both , that will be a big help.


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From juanfr22 - 06 Aug 2009 - 02:40

Hi, last night I bought the Adidas Stabil S, they had a fair price...the same as in I'll be trying them tonight at my match. I was really looking for the stabil 7 but I just could not find them in any store, they all have the new model...wich adidas claims is far superior, but I know people who will tell you the stabil 7 is the best squash shoe ever, and they will buy and re buy the model...must be good, shouldnt it? I say buy the stabil 7 or the new model, wich although Im yet to test them on the court, seem absolutely superb!

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From dpiedra - 04 Aug 2009 - 12:19   -   Updated: 04 Aug 2009 - 12:26

I entered this in another thread ... regarding the new stabils ... assuming you are refering to the Adidas Adicore ... it is very light and similar to the Stabil 7, but the top is suseptible to quick damage due to toe drag, Stick with the Stabil 7 which has a stronger toe. I have not tried the Stabil S though.

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From dpiedra - 25 Feb 2009 - 14:22

I have now used the Stabil 7 for about 8 months and find that it is lighter than the Stabil 6, but does not provide as much lateral support. Still, it has held up really well. Adidas' new Stabil may be worth checking out - heard good things about them.

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From mattm - 20 Dec 2008 - 02:18

Having had both, I prefer the Stabil 7 the toe flap can be prevented with a little shoe goo. But the stabil 9 is coming out in January. But I think Asics Gel Blast will be my next shoe.

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From lowballerdom - 03 Nov 2008 - 16:24

I've used both, the 6's are bulky and narrow. The 7's are lighter, flatter and made for wider feet. I drag a lot and they are worn down but still kicking after a year.

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From Big Bill's Boys - 21 Oct 2008 - 08:43

Get Asics dude. I recomend the Sensei, althought I also own the Gel Rocket 2's. My Stabil 7's got sent back after tearing twice and eventually I decided to get the Asics and the are tighter, feel more manoeverable ( less chunky ) and better quality. All I can hope for is that I am not too late to help your descsion.

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From dpiedra - 16 Sep 2007 - 10:25

I can only give you my opinion based on the Stabils. I am using the Stabil 2 which is also available throughout Canada and the USA which has great grip and lateral support. I have not played with the Stabil 6s or 7s, but the 6 is very similar to the 2 except it is more expensive.

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From rskting - 20 Aug 2007 - 00:34

My experience has not been good with the Stabil 7. Never tried the 6 so dont know. I have soem toe drag, but after only 4 games the 7 started to peel and the rubber separated from the shoe leaving a big piece of rubber flapping around. Also the heel doesnt fit so well and rubs against my heel giving me thick skin around that area. Grip and cushion is fine, although not outstanding, and shoes are very very heavy.  I would not recommend stabil 7 based on my experience. I got warranty and the new pair is used occassionally.

I owe prince nfs, head lite, asics gel sensei, hi-tec venom, among others. NFS and Asics are the best. NFS less cushion but more low to ground and they are designed for squash. Asics designed for volleyball, but cushion is great and I dont feel pain afterwards. Buy a size larger in Asics since they are abit narrower than prince NFS.

Hope this help.

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From miljka063 - 19 Aug 2007 - 05:29

I train  squash for only year and half, so I am not some expert for that, but I have same question. My opinion is that 7 must be better than 6. it is logical. they could only improve it. And they look great! :)

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