Adidas Stabil vs Prince NFS II
Published: 05 Aug 2007 - 03:47 by Augustine
Updated: 23 Nov 2010 - 21:57
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I've been looking at the shoe threads but didn't see a thread addressing this issue directly so hopefully someone can help me out.
First, I'm a woman so I think my feet are somewhat naturally narrower than men's feet anyway; however, I have quite narrow feet even for a woman. I tried the Prince NFS II on a few days ago and found that it was comfortable, but I've not played in them so its tough to tell if I'll be slopping around a lot in them.
I'm wondering how the Stabil might compare as I am familiar with Adidas shoes from soccer (football) (the Kaiser and copa models of soccer shoe was a perfect fit).
If you guys have any other recommendations for squash shoes that fit narrowly, I'd appreciate the feedback. Thanks.

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From marymn - 23 Nov 2010 - 21:55 - Updated: 23 Nov 2010 - 21:57
From dpiedra - 15 Sep 2007 - 13:03
From Augustine - 08 Aug 2007 - 07:40
From rup3rt - 08 Aug 2007 - 01:13
I have used Stabil 6 for the last 2 years and they are very comfortable and look after my feet well, they have great grip (sometimes too much on hot courts!) but the soles do seem to wear quickly and toughter materila could be used for the soles - but i see Stabil 7's are now available.....
The mens shoes are quite wide, not sure about the womans - overall I think they are the most comfortable and best perfomrnace squash shoes i have used.
From vks23 - 07 Aug 2007 - 09:29
If you are after narrow shoes, your best is to try Asics. From what I have heard, they seem to be in the same league as Adidas Stabil, if not better.
(PS: I use Adidas Stabil 'coz I have quite broad feet. I absolutely love them. )
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Aerosole shoes do have added things for comfort like suede like linings and extra cushioning. They also have good griping soles, which is a benefit in the rain and snow. There may be cheaper shoes and sandals on the market, but they are lacking some of these extra features.
aerosoles shoes
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