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AIS Training

Published: 28 Jul 2007 - 08:50 by rippa rit

Updated: 29 Jul 2007 - 21:49

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Yesterday I casually turned up to see  the elite AIS squad training.
Also squashgame will introduce new players into the video shoots shortly, and it was good to mingle and chat with them all. 
This is where you see the real people at home doing their stuff, some recovering from injury, some doing physio, some strapped up, rackets lying about the floor galore to feel and hold. 
Rod Martin is currently working with the up and coming crop, and in spite of his hip operation is hard to beat, with an uncanny volley drop, trying to reach every ball he can that goes through the middle of the court, and those close to the walls too. 
Zac Alexander is doing well and has shown improvement from the experience in the recent Oz tournament circuit. 
I spoke to Rod about the Egyptians doing well, and really it is a similar story to the 80's in this country where there was such a big crop of players striving to beat each other (Rod Martin, Chris Robertson, Rod Eyles, Austin Adarraga) almost every time they went on court, and that was both in competition and tournaments on a regular basis. 
Now Egypt will be enjoying such a training bunch as seen in the rankings, and how great it is for the squad.
Besides, most of these players had mentors (players who had a lot of experience) teaching them the finer points during comp matches. 
When there are fewer tournaments, less competition, a shrinking base, lack of variety in competition as well, it is hard to get the players up to standard except for the odd really talented player shining through. 
Cameron and Zac I think will go further as they appear to have inherent traits.
Unfortunately, I did not see anyone looking like the next Sarah FitzGerald or Michelle Martin.

Don't get me wrong, these players are all very very good, but the questions remains, who will make it through to the top?
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From Viper - 29 Jul 2007 - 21:49

Indeed, but my understanding of a scholarship is assistance to the "young and emerging" I have no problem with these 2 great players getting support it just seems unusual given their age, time in PSA ranks and 5 years or more in the top 10 apart from injury time for Bozwell, hopefully they are number 1 bound.

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From rippa rit - 29 Jul 2007 - 20:02

Here is the link to the AIS scholarship holders
Obviously these holders fall within the guidelines for selection for assistance which will be substantially Govt funded.

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From Viper - 29 Jul 2007 - 10:21   -   Updated: 29 Jul 2007 - 10:24

Why would Ricketts and Boswell still be holding AIS scholarships given they are 28 and 29 years of age and been on the PSA tour for a number of years and in the last third of their careers  ?

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From rippa rit - 28 Jul 2007 - 21:54

Yes, I do know the AIS Coaches and a few of the students too.
Basically I phone to find out if they are training and what times and just pop in without any real expectations and take it how it comes.

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From adam_pberes - 28 Jul 2007 - 14:38

You can just turn up casually to the AIS to watch the players train? or is this some of your connections rita?


If you can just turn up, I think I might have to pop-in.

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