N120, N140 or Ntour?
Published: 25 Jul 2007 - 08:30 by rar2505
Updated: 25 Jan 2008 - 11:54
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Please need advise on which of these three wilson would better suit my play. I am new to the squash game (just 1 year) but been playing frequently and my first racket was the HEAD IX Intelligence. I think it is very heavy for me and would like to move to a lighter racket. My style of play are drives mostly and i like to have power. So which one do you recommend the n120, n140 or the ntour. Thanks.

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From Hando - 25 Jan 2008 - 11:54
From nickhitter - 26 Jul 2007 - 01:37 - Updated: 26 Jul 2007 - 01:41
Haven't tried n140, but own n120 and played a bit with ntour, and the ntour is the least forgiving so wouldn't recommened it to someone who has only been playing a year, although it's a great racket for the more accomplished player. I wouldn't go for a round head design anyway if you're new to squash as they are not as powerful as the extender styles generally. The n120 has lots of power, and is one of the most forgiving rackets I have played with. Personally though I would recommend you get the hyper hammer 120, very popular older model that's it's been re-released for 2007 (same frame - new paint job) very similar qualities to n120, but you can get them much cheaper online
From rar2505 - 25 Jul 2007 - 20:46 - Updated: 26 Jul 2007 - 08:21
tks rippa rit; i've checked the forum and almost read every thread about them, i'm getting mixed reviews... so wanted to put it in a single thread to get the discussion rolling.
Found this article pretty interesting but also in-conclusive: www.squashmagazine.com/
From rippa rit - 25 Jul 2007 - 19:56
I know that link went a bit hay-wire last week but all is working now.
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