quads pain
Published: 05 Jul 2007 - 06:55 by aprice1985
Updated: 19 Dec 2008 - 12:39
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Recently i have been having pain in my right quadriceps after playing, it is only present when/after i play sqaush and i was wondering if anyone else has suffered from this and has any solution to it or advice. Also any exercises and streches that may help

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From rippa rit - 05 Jul 2007 - 19:04 - Updated: 19 Dec 2008 - 12:39
From aprice1985 - 05 Jul 2007 - 07:43
The right probably is dominant as i play a lot down the backhand in the conventional method leading with the right leg but often step in to volley short balls on the forehand also using the right leg. How best do i prevent this/reduce it by exercises or changing the way i play.
Also any thoughts on treatment, obviously early ice/cold is good and i have cold spray and ice paks but what about heat therapy, i have tried some heat sprays but whe should this be used does anyone know. How soon after an injury and for how long?
From rippa rit - 05 Jul 2007 - 07:11 - Updated: 05 Jul 2007 - 07:13
Take notice if the right leg is the dominant leg. For a right hander it is usually the left leg that builds up more strength over time and is used predominantly.
Quad stretches before and after play should help. It sounds like an overuse thing to me.
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aprice - the best way is to try to get both legs to take the weight so you are standing balanced and parallel to the side wall when driving down the wall. I suggest:
Give it a go...
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