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Free video link does not work

Published: 04 Jul 2007 - 17:45 by Viper

Updated: 05 Jul 2007 - 21:42

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Introductory Gold content video clips don't work, and yes I am logged in.


cheers viper

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From Viper - 05 Jul 2007 - 21:42

From raystrach - 05 Jul 2007 - 20:33

what a pain in the you know where!

seems ie 6 did not want to recognise a server value.

should be right now - sorry about that!

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From Viper - 05 Jul 2007 - 19:21

From rippa rit - 05 Jul 2007 - 18:54

Viper - just sit tight for a bit - Ray has discovered something going on with Internet Explorer and he needs to look into it, but he is a bit busy till later tonight.

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From Viper - 05 Jul 2007 - 15:53   -   Updated: 05 Jul 2007 - 16:00

Cleared it all but still does not work from either pathway, maybe it is just me ?

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From zxcvbn - 05 Jul 2007 - 08:47

hi viper

i have just logged in as a trial member and all is working ok.

i suggest you clear your computer's cache (or temporary internet files) and see what happens.

there is absolutely no reason why they are not working apart form the fact you cache your pages (it speeds up the loading of pages but sometimes not great on dynamically generated sites like this one)

is anyone else out there having problems??

if you are wondering what we are talking about, click this link then go to the free videos which are listed in that section.


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From Viper - 05 Jul 2007 - 08:27

Sorry still does not work via either path.

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From rippa rit - 05 Jul 2007 - 07:46

Viper - I have just logged in and hit all the Gold icons and it seems to work ok all the way from the Home Page or the Log in page.
Then I did the same logged out and it worked.
Are you finding the free video clips all open now please?

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From raystrach - 04 Jul 2007 - 18:11   -   Updated: 05 Jul 2007 - 07:18

they will only work from the library page. they worked for me when i was not logged in, but it must be from the library page.

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From Viper - 04 Jul 2007 - 18:07

Still does not work Ray, either does this video link : Forehand Power Serve

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From raystrach - 04 Jul 2007 - 18:05

that should now work viper. (it was the #3 anchor which was probably doing it) let me know if there is a problem

that you for bringing it to my attention

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From Viper - 04 Jul 2007 - 17:59

Through here :


We have a few samples available already which you are free to view. Look for the GOLD icon. Click here to view video clips  and extra content..

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From raystrach - 04 Jul 2007 - 17:54

hang tight viper, i will check it out now and see what the problem is (i am seeing them ok)

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From Viper - 04 Jul 2007 - 17:53

I presume these are the examples one can view to see what Gold is about ?, when I click on them it tells me I cannot access them as I am not logged in ?


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From raystrach - 04 Jul 2007 - 17:50   -   Updated: 04 Jul 2007 - 17:53

which ones viper?

you don't have to be logged in although we have changed the front page ad link to go to a different page than previously.  the link is still available in the GOLD page.

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