Using tennis Strings in a Squash Racket
Published: 03 Jul 2007 - 06:22 by nmc8
Updated: 19 Sep 2008 - 17:34
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I have been experimenting over that last few months with different strings for my Dunlop M Fil Tour racket. I have tried Ashway SuperNick and Technofibre and have settled for the Technofibre 305 (the 1.2mm ) which I found satisfies my need for a good allround string, however having played the club champion last night I found out that he actually strings his racket with the technofibre tennis string.
Apart from being an exceptional player he swears that not only does he get the power and duribilty from the string but also excellent control on the drop and touch shots.
This is the first time I have come across this and as we play a similiar game - he's just better at it - I thought of giving it a go.
Has anybody else experienced this and if so was it worth it.
Also I would appreciate any feedback on the best ideas for stringing a M Fil Tour.
I play an attacking power game, with good touch and control at the front.
Many thanks

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From nickhitter - 06 Jul 2007 - 19:42
From trigger2085 - 06 Jul 2007 - 19:17
I play with mixed string tennis in the down strings and squash in the cross strings so i get the best of both worlds with power and durability in the downstrings and touch and grip in the cross stings (as the tennis string is very smooth it doesnt grip the ball as well as squash string) it works well for me but i think you just have to see what works for you!!
Anyway good luck!!
From trigger2085 - 06 Jul 2007 - 19:17
I play with mixed string tennis in the down strings and squash in the cross strings so i get the best of both worlds with power and durability in the downstrings and touch and grip in the cross stings (as the tennis string is very smooth it doesnt grip the ball as well as squash string) it works well for me but i think you just have to see what works for you!!
Anyway good luck!!
From aprice1985 - 03 Jul 2007 - 06:37
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