Shattering racquets
Published: 01 Jul 2007 - 01:33 by missing_record17
Updated: 24 Sep 2008 - 16:36
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Please help! I've manage to get through 4 racquets this year - the last being a Slazenger NX Pro which cracked the second time I used it. Can anyone advise on a style or type of racquet that is more sturdy than others? I prefer lighter styles which might be the issue but its getting to be an expensive problem!

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From Daren - 03 Jul 2007 - 11:29
From Adz - 02 Jul 2007 - 21:17
You didn't say how you shattered them? If it's against the floor / wall then learn to NOT hit them! If it's through just hitting the ball then I'd suggest sending them back to the manufacturer due to fault.
One technique I've used in the past is to stand near the side wall and practise swinging the racquet so that it just clips the side-wall. Start slow and build up speed. Move away from and toward the wall at random times to simulate movement in a game.
If this doesn't help then start thinking about buying a heavier racquet. Light racquets are useful, but only if you can judge the walls correctly!
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Karakal is the toughest raquet Ive tried
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