squash shoes
Published: 14 Jun 2007 - 17:28 by andreanorello
Updated: 28 Oct 2007 - 12:01
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Hello everybody,
I'm Italian player and at the moment I'm in London.
I would buy the shoes to play squash.
Can you suggest me any shops in London where I can buy them?
Thanks a lot

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From mickeydubbs - 28 Oct 2007 - 12:01
From mickeydubbs - 28 Oct 2007 - 11:58
Actually these shoes are available at sportdiscount.com.
Been looking for a pair of hi tec 4:sys in a uk 14 for ages but can't find any. Can anyone help?
From nickhitter - 28 Oct 2007 - 04:06
That's a shame. I need some now as my nfs II are tearing at the seams...
looks like i'll be dropping hints at christmas time then!
From ferris69 - 27 Oct 2007 - 01:38
Hi Dave
Don't think you can get them yet. Spoke to the rep at the British Open and he said they would be out by Christmas
From nickhitter - 26 Oct 2007 - 07:34
on a similar note, does anyone know where I can get (online or otherwise) the new hi tec 4:sys squash shoes in the black/yellow color? they seem readily availble in red but haven't seen the yellow that Palmer and Shabana wear anywhere.
From coaksquasher - 26 Oct 2007 - 00:55
I would try Lambs Squash Club. It is located at 1 Lambs Passage Chiswell Street, Islington, London EC1Y 8LE.
I know that they carry the Harrow Thrash, which is a shoe that I love.
Hope this was helpful, I am not really familiar with london so I hope this isnt too far away
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