match plans
Published: 14 Jun 2007 - 07:57 by aprice1985
Updated: 24 Sep 2008 - 16:37
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Has anyone out there got any advice on how to formulate and stick to a plan for a match. I tend to play best pushing my opponents to the back and pinning them down but all too often get myself stuck into a shooting match. How does anyone prepare for matches and then how do you make sure that you stick to the plan?

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From rippa rit - 15 Jun 2007 - 20:00 - Updated: 15 Jun 2007 - 20:00
From aprice1985 - 14 Jun 2007 - 22:05
From rippa rit - 14 Jun 2007 - 11:10
Spend some time trying to relate the content to your own game, and in particular your opponent's game.
A good player always tries to change your plan. So you have a plan and it works, then the opponent must change their game to counteract that, or they will lose the match; and so it goes on.
The game plan is not just all about you.
So you get good length and force the opponent to the back, and particularly if they are in a defensive position, and what then? Hit the ball back to them? Or hope they make an error? Bad idea.
A boast can be good if the opponent is pinned behind you, then follow that with a volley if possible, or at least another length shot.
If you now have your swing going well, it is time to look at the tactical aspects of your game by the sound of it and that is a gradual process taking one aspect at a time.
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