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do you use a training racket?

Published: 12 Jun 2007 - 13:37 by shib

Updated: 24 Sep 2008 - 16:56

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as above. will it be advisable to use a different, heavier racket for training to build up strength and power? or will it just mess up your timing.

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From rippa rit - 14 Jun 2007 - 07:55

Mike it depends how the fracture has gone, eg like a green stick, or straight across how successful the patch will be of course.
The problems and solutions as I see is:
  • If you get a racket professionally mended, eg with a weld you then need a new restring which really makes it not such a good proposition.
  • We once used to reinforce with a twine (wrapping it tightly around just like mending a fishing rod) and then overlay an eposy mix of araldite.
  • Ray said there is Kevlar available which I do not know much about. He said a fibreglass patch would be a better idea than twine.
You can invent your own but keep in mind anything with too much weight will unbalance the racket.  Unless you do the same procedure on both sides
Check out what your local fishing shop does to mend rods would be an idea too.
I was wearing my tennis racket out on the top (which can expose the strings) and I put a layer of araldite along the side and top to save making it any thinner.  The same happens in squash as you scratch the tight shots off the side wall - the bricks work like sandpaper!

Some centres rescue rackets out of the rubbish bin and mend them for the juniors. Not perfect, but good enough for practicing around  the walls.

Let's know how far you go with this.

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From mike - 13 Jun 2007 - 09:30

Rita, could you elaborate on mending a racquet with fibreglass?
I have a Head Metallix 130 developing a nasty crack I'd like to arrest. Not a cheap racquet but broken none the less :)

I only want to fix it well enough to lend to friends when I play with them.

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From rippa rit - 13 Jun 2007 - 07:47

My ten cents worth on the training racket idea:
  • Don't mess your racket.
  • Buy an average price racket, and when you crack it, maybe mend it with fibreglass and use just for the practice of shots near the walls, eg boasts and back corners.
  • Always have a spare racket in your squash bag.
  • By adding a weight to promote arm strength you may also promote injury, eg tennis elbow.

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From daveamour - 12 Jun 2007 - 15:45

I thought about getting an old raquet and weighting it up by taping small weights to it and using that as an exercise - ie ghosting strokes - not on court just as a muscle exercise.  I do sometimes do this just with a free weight and I'm sure it does help.  I wouldn't recomend actually playing with a heavier raquet though as you need to get used to you raquet until it becomes like a part of you.

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From Viper - 12 Jun 2007 - 14:19

Bad idea I reckon, would certainly throw out my timing.

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