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match analysis

Published: 05 Jun 2007 - 20:40 by fatness

Updated: 24 Sep 2008 - 16:57

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Played a good A player last sat and lost 3 0. although the match lasted 75 mins. I felt i had the upper hand through the match but he just seemed to be getting the critical points most of the time. I have really worked hard on my technique and movement in the last year and feel i have really improved but  i find playing these A players very frustrating. Basically i feel i am playing good length both straight and crosscourt, but it feels i never put them under pressure. i then try to take the ball earlier and try to move it to the front but i find that they pick up my boasts and drops very well and then i am the one under pressure. it all gets very confusing and its at this stage i lose more points and suddenly the game is over.

Can you help Rita? Last year i was a B player and i began destroyinig opponents with good length and drops etc. but i find the A section players a completely diffrent ball game. I know i have to construct rallies, but i find if i play too much length i just tire myself out and i never seem to put them under pressure, and if i go short too often the either pick off the points or put me under severe pressure. any help would be appreciated. thanks in advance.

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From rippa rit - 05 Jun 2007 - 22:59

fatness - sounds a bit frustrating.
The higher the players are on the ladder the more tactics they will put into their game so that could be what is beating you too.
I have a couple of things for you to concentrate on for a few weeks:
  • Make sure the drives to length shots are no further from the side wall than one racket head width.
  • Solo practice your boasts so that they will sit down, and die into the side wall nick area, forcing the opponent to really work hard to retrieve.  You should be able to hit a good boast about as high as the "tin" on the side wall, still go up, and then scoot away fast.
Only take on a few objectives at the same time until you get that bit sorted, then move onto the next get that?

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