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Is constant attacking bad?

Published: 02 Jun 2007 - 13:10 by ashwinkhosa

Updated: 24 Sep 2008 - 16:57

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Hi, ive been playing squash in hong kong for about 4 years now and im 15 years old. Im in the hong kong training squad and i have a question...

My style of play is just bombardment of aggressive shots. Everyone tells me its bad. Im very ambitious and make mistakes sometimes, im wondering if i should attempt to change my game style or just leave it as extremely aggressive.

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From raystrach - 05 Jun 2007 - 20:14

hi ashwinkhosa

it is good to be aggressive but not crazy. trying to hit winners off every shot is a good way to lose - good players are not dopes and they will quickly learn to be looking for your winners . on the flip side, it is easy to beat weaker players with the style your playing style

channel your aggression in
  • taking the ball early
  • putting pressure on your opponent
  • taking your opportunities when they arise ( and not missing!)
mind you, if your are beating everyone, forget everything i just said!

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From rippa rit - 02 Jun 2007 - 14:51

ash - bombardment can be good against some opponents, particularly those who like a bit of time to play touch shots, but some opponents might like the pace especially if the ball is not tight or heading to die in the corners.

It is very difficult to play 5 games hell for leather, particularly against a like opponent, and a fit opponent.

I suggest you go and look at the Squash Library on the Home Page/Tactics and open all of the tabs and have a read.  When you have done that let me know what you now think about your style of play, and the reason you may need to take a second look at your training as you climb the ladder.

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