Tecnifibre - Tecnifibre Carboflex + 305 v X-One
Published: 25 May 2007 - 05:57 by wilde-thang
Updated: 30 May 2007 - 15:42
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hello all.
i have a Carbo 150 the 06/07 model. and after a number of years and experiments with other manufacturers have decided this is the one for me!
i also liked the 305 green the factory put in it. however before i found this racquet, I much preferred the Ashaway braided type strings (the Navy) Supernick XL Pro. I then fancied the Supernick 18 in Red but had it strung too tight (another failed experiment)! so never really got a look at. and its gets quite expensive to keep chopping and chancing strings!
I now have my Carboflex with knackered 305.... the middle is seriously worn out and frayed after this seasons games and i was considering going to put in either the Power or Supernick. however i did see Tecnifibre have a new X-One out in Red that looks quite tasty.
Has anybody tried it yet? ?
does anybody know what the factory tension is on this model.... 26?
i also saw a new model carboflex on ebay.... with the X-one in it and the strings are also knackered in it ALREADY. is there a major durability issue with this string?
anybody with a new carboflex? any good.... ?
not sure if this forum allows me to post the ebay link or the image of the strings on here. let me know if this is allowable and i'll do it.... if not - search carboflex on ebay UK you should see it quite easily - its the first time i have seen the new model ANYWHERE!! :o)
thank you , Robert.
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i have a Carbo 150 the 06/07 model. and after a number of years and experiments with other manufacturers have decided this is the one for me!
i also liked the 305 green the factory put in it. however before i found this racquet, I much preferred the Ashaway braided type strings (the Navy) Supernick XL Pro. I then fancied the Supernick 18 in Red but had it strung too tight (another failed experiment)! so never really got a look at. and its gets quite expensive to keep chopping and chancing strings!
I now have my Carboflex with knackered 305.... the middle is seriously worn out and frayed after this seasons games and i was considering going to put in either the Power or Supernick. however i did see Tecnifibre have a new X-One out in Red that looks quite tasty.
Has anybody tried it yet? ?
does anybody know what the factory tension is on this model.... 26?
i also saw a new model carboflex on ebay.... with the X-one in it and the strings are also knackered in it ALREADY. is there a major durability issue with this string?
anybody with a new carboflex? any good.... ?
not sure if this forum allows me to post the ebay link or the image of the strings on here. let me know if this is allowable and i'll do it.... if not - search carboflex on ebay UK you should see it quite easily - its the first time i have seen the new model ANYWHERE!! :o)
thank you , Robert.

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From sloejp - 30 May 2007 - 15:42
From rskting - 30 May 2007 - 04:06
i am a 305 fan and tried the x-one biophase once. I found x-one to be alot stiffer string. not sure if the red is any softer. Hope this helps
From ferris69 - 25 May 2007 - 19:50
I have just strung my new head metallix 130 in the red x one bi phase strings so will report back soon! 1st hit tonight. Have always used 1.1 tecnifibre so wil be interestting to compare them.
From nickhitter - 25 May 2007 - 07:55
had a look on ebay. Can't believe how knackered the strings look after only 8 sessions on that used one! (sellers claims - probably been used much more) not a very good advert for those strings though.
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i tried x-one once and would also say the string feels stiff and larger than the gauge listed on the package. this didn't suit my game, so i haven't used them since.
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