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Why get to the ball early?

Early preparation gives the best shot options

Early preparation gives the best shot options

Published: 10 Oct 2004 - 23:06 by rippa rit

Updated: 15 Aug 2006 - 15:27

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It gives a feeling of control to be ready to strike the ball with plenty of time, instead of scrambling around. Besides, it makes opportunities for a greater variety of shots.

Other examples are:
    • More return options, and less repetitive play.
    • You have the choice of delaying the hit (deception).
    • To return the ball quickly gives the opponent less time to get in position, and makes it difficult to attack.
    • It is easier to attack when striking the ball at the top of the bounce.
    • Shots are more accurate if struck while the body is balanced and steady.
  • TIP: Don't over-run the ball - get to within striking distance, and wait - then HIT - this will also allow for better deception; also a good tip when trying to hit accurately.
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From rippa rit - 29 May 2006 - 07:51

We have been talking a lot lately about the speed of play and power in the strokes, which often results in the lack of accuracy.  It can also mean being on the run and never really being set to strike the ball. This is a very worthwhile tip:

"TIP: Don't over-run the ball - get to within striking distance, and wait - then HIT - this will also allow for better deception; also a good tip when trying to hit accurately."

It is not easy to all of a sudden decide to WAIT-then HIT.  If you have not already tried this strategy give it a go.  Yes, you will muck it up for a while, but this may just take you to another level in your game.

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