Destiny lite 150, PBT Cave 150 or Xtron 130???
Published: 07 May 2007 - 04:04 by nbrethe
Updated: 07 May 2007 - 07:11
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Firstly, sorry if I have done this wrong it is my first post here. I curretnly have a Dunlop C-max lite Ti. I am a beginner and want to get a new racket. I have seen these three that have intrigued me and I would like to know if they are good, seeing as I am unsure of what to look for in a beginners racket. The three are the Pro Kennex Destiny lite 150 and PBT Cave 150, and the Oliver Xtron 130. What should I look for in these rackets and how do I know whic hone to buy, and if any of them are good?!

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From aprice1985 - 07 May 2007 - 07:11
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