RSS Feed Fixed
Published: 01 May 2007 - 10:54 by raystrach
Updated: 01 May 2007 - 10:57
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You may or may not have noticed we have been having problems with the RSS feed for our Squashgame forum. You will be pleased to know that it has been fixed.
It seems an unwanted character (an ampersand - &) was devalidating (is that a word?) the feed. I have now fixed the script so that is taken into account.
If you are wondering what RSS is all about, it is like a menu of all our latest forum items which you can access in various ways. The feed reader checks regularly to get the latest from the forum. It is a great way of keeping up to date with Squashgame without necessarily visiting the site. A click on the required link takes you directly to the requested forum post.
Of course if you have the Squashgame toolbar, you get a feed with the toolbar. Get the toolbar here
just ask if you need more info How to add images to Members' Forum posts and replies here...
It seems an unwanted character (an ampersand - &) was devalidating (is that a word?) the feed. I have now fixed the script so that is taken into account.
If you are wondering what RSS is all about, it is like a menu of all our latest forum items which you can access in various ways. The feed reader checks regularly to get the latest from the forum. It is a great way of keeping up to date with Squashgame without necessarily visiting the site. A click on the required link takes you directly to the requested forum post.
- The Firefox browser enables you to subscribe to the feed and it saves it in your toolbar at the top of your browser.
- Many sites allow you to save the feed so it can be accessed in your personalised page (eg Yahoo, MySpace, Google and many more)
- internet explorer users will get a very wierd looking page
Of course if you have the Squashgame toolbar, you get a feed with the toolbar. Get the toolbar here
just ask if you need more info How to add images to Members' Forum posts and replies here...
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