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how do i keep a training log book

Published: 26 Apr 2007 - 23:41 by adigun_yetunde

Updated: 28 Apr 2007 - 10:13

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the idea of keeping a log book for training really sounds nice to me but the trouble is that i dont know how to draft one.

i mean i dont know it what should contain and how it should be plotted.i would really appreciate it if  a sample of what a log book should look like can be sent to my box .



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From rippa rit - 28 Apr 2007 - 10:13

How did you go with your Diary?
It can be as specific as you want it to be and of course that depends on your goals, and how wide spread they are, eg squash comp, squash training, skills progression, fitness training and goals, wins, loss, match summary, diet, resting pulse monitored, weight, how you feel, your thoughts, hours sleep, time of sleep, alcohol consumed, and it goes on.

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From Adz - 27 Apr 2007 - 17:47

My training diary is really basic. It just contains (daily):

  • My Weight
  • My time on court
  • My opponent (or training partner)
  • My result (If applicable)
  • My calorie intake

The idea behind this is to track what I'm eating against what I'm doing on court in an effort to drop as much weight as possible. Occasionally I also measure my body fat % in order to track changes in body composition.

To do this I just bought a really basic diary from a stationers, which shows 1 week over two pages. |This gives me enough space to detail all of the above.

The only downside to this method is that it doesn't contain anything detailing the training content. Perhpas you could adapt or expand your diary to include this?


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From rippa rit - 27 Apr 2007 - 07:24

Welcome to the forum.
A search "Diary" will bring up several articles to read, as well as links to a Training Diary.
If you have any further questions just let us know.

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 So, thanks to Rita's suggestions, Student .......  

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