Head Liquidmetal 140
Published: 01 Apr 2007 - 07:05 by devsathe
Updated: 24 Sep 2008 - 16:27
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I'm an intermediate squash player. I have not played the game for the last 2-3 yrs but thankfully have got an opportunity to get back into it.
I needed some advice on the Head Liquidmetal 140. Is this a good racket? Pros/Cons would be very helpful.
Thanks in advance!

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From hamburglar - 01 Apr 2007 - 11:26
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I like Head rackets in general and the more rectangular grips that they have, but the LiquidMetal series has a larger grip that doesn't fit my hand well at all. I wear a medium sized glove to give you an idea of hand size.
I've heard good things about the Metallix series. They probably don't make the LM series anymore, so if you fall in love with one, there's a limited supply out there.
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