Audio from ABC Radio - What happened to Oz Squash
Published: 30 Mar 2007 - 08:22 by rippa rit
Updated: 31 Mar 2007 - 09:36
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Good on you squashsite you have caught up with the story and here is the link
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From Viper - 31 Mar 2007 - 09:36
From rippa rit - 31 Mar 2007 - 09:01
The demise of the honorary workers has also helped the downfall.
There are not too many paid staff, whose wages are paid part out of affiliation fees (part Government subsidised), fees every player begrudges, and Court Owners do not care.
I know of no Court Owner programs eg social, in house leagues, and in many cases juniors, that collect affiliation fees.
As Dean said the venues are privately owned and really what they do is their business.
The squash centres that once never submitted comp teams are now being used, eg YMCA, City Council complexes, Private country clubs, and that is probably the start of a new era of venues through community sports complexes (swim pool, basketball, etc) operated under management. Community projects get a lot of perks, eg allocated space in a sports field, taxation relief, rates, electricity, etc.
There are people on this forum who want to build squash centres, and I can understand that, but ultimately it comes back to mathematics, something the Bank will be very interested in when approving the loan.
From Viper - 30 Mar 2007 - 17:21 - Updated: 30 Mar 2007 - 17:30
Interesting how the reasons for the decline of the sport is laid at the feet of
1. Real estate value pressure
2. Competetion from other sports.
Both of which are true.
No mention of the part administration of the sport has played in such a dramatic decline.
The sport will continue its nose dive until the hard questions are asked :
"What part did us the custodians of the sport play in its free fall, (and once acknowledged ) what can we do to ensure the rot stops here and now."
Dean Williams made some very good points.
But not one mention of how squash is administered in this country.
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Quote :
"Viper - we have been down this track before."
My point exactly, unless all the stakeholders of the game get around a table, clearly identify the problems and commit to a new way, things are going to continue downhill.
The fact this in depth interview did not broach this fundamental AT ALL tells me it "aint going to happen" any time soon.
As I have said before other sports have shown the way in recent times, both tennis and golf in this country have done exactly this, squash must also to have any chance.
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