Beginner Racket
Published: 19 Mar 2007 - 16:08 by uan
Updated: 19 Sep 2008 - 17:36
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I started playing squash a couple months ago and wanted to finally purchase my own racket. I'd like to spend less than $70, and was wondering what you guys thought of these three rackets:
Prince Air Drive 140- 140 grams, 485 cm head- $62
Prince TT Reflex 160- 160 grams, 485 cm head- $40
Dunlop Hot Melt Graphite- 160 grams, 500 cm head- $60
Or is there another racket you'd suggest? I'm thinking the Air Drive 140, because it seems like it would allow my game to develop more than the other rackets (seems to be more a control racket), but I was looking for some input.

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From drop-shot - 05 Apr 2007 - 22:36 - Updated: 05 Apr 2007 - 22:36
From SamBWFC - 05 Apr 2007 - 09:03
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