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bigger and bigger racquets

Published: 16 Mar 2007 - 16:05 by rskting

Updated: 25 Sep 2008 - 20:33

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has the new racquet technology ruined squash? Players with poor technique can now get away with it by buying a huge racquet and still get as much power as players who spend time developing a proper stroke. Is the technology good for the game?

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From Adz - 16 Mar 2007 - 21:08

I think that it makes the game more interesting with morte and more people being able to hit the ball cleaner from a larger racquet.


The other thing to remember is that when a skilled player get's hold of one of these racquets they can hit the ball even harder again (John White for example!)


Technology can make huge improvements for any sport when used correctly. Laser tracking of a ball in tennis/squash/golf etc can all make a difference.


Who knows where things will go from here, but the biggest need from my point of view is a way to make squash more TV friendly to the masses.


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