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Breaking in a new racquet/strings

Published: 15 Mar 2007 - 10:45 by mike

Updated: 24 Sep 2008 - 16:54

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Hi all,
I've had a bad run of breaking stuff in the last fortnight. Two sets of strings on different racquets, then my Flexpoint 150 racquet (still usable), then the replacement strings in the Flexpoint.

I'm picking up a new Metallix 130 tomorrow, and I want to know what the accepted wisdom is regarding breaking in a new (expensive) racquet. Can I play tomorrows match with it, or should I give it a lighter practice session or two first ?

I was told to take it easy after restringing to allow the strings to settle in. Not sure if the same applies to a new racquet.

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From mike - 15 Mar 2007 - 22:11

Thanks, the racquet went very well.
My first impression is that the sweetspot on the Metallix 130 is slightly smaller (and further away from the head of the racquet) than on my previous Flexpoint 150. It is however sweeter and has more easy power.

Unfortunately the racquet was better than I was tonight :(

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From Adz - 15 Mar 2007 - 19:34

jbs is right, giving the racquet strings time to bed in once restrung is to allow the tensioning to settle as the strings are subject to stretching which is known as "creep".


This usually happens over the first 48 hours after restringing, and assuming that your new racquet has been sat on a shelf somewhere for longer than that, then you won't have a problem! Just take it a little easier for the first minute or two of the warm up and you'll be laughing!


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From hamburglar - 15 Mar 2007 - 12:32

Just use it. The racquet nor strings will care. Strings 'settling in' is just the string losing tension in the first few days till the rate of tension loss slows down. Playing with new strings just helps that process along, so the only thing you may notice is a slight change in tension.

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