Ashaway - white color stencil ink?
Published: 07 Mar 2007 - 14:09 by titleist731
Updated: 13 Mar 2007 - 18:37
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for the red ashaway powernick david palmer has?
seems white is the only color that will show up on the red powernick

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From titleist731 - 13 Mar 2007 - 18:37
From nickhitter - 13 Mar 2007 - 01:41
haha that is shocking! it looks like a three year old has done it! I really don't think a stencil has been used even!
obviously shabana's a much better squash player than he is an artist.
P.s what's the yellow coloured string that shabana has in there?
From stevo - 12 Mar 2007 - 11:34 - Updated: 12 Mar 2007 - 11:36

This stencil is a bit better.
From Adz - 09 Mar 2007 - 21:11
You'll have to contact them for a catalogue as they only operate a phone->mail order service and not an online sales site.
The ink comes in a little bottle with a brush head to it so you can apply them to the strings. If you run a google search for "Wilson Stencil Ink" you should be able to find the type of thing I mean.
Ray I always found that carboard absorbs the ink and goes soggy and breaks down over time, but I have used it in an emergency to great effect.
I think that putting the stencil back on gives the racquet a finished look and makes it stand out once it's been restrung. I've started to use a signiture pattern at the bottom on anything other than ashaway and tecnifibre strings (which have their own signitures).
Always fun!
From raystrach - 09 Mar 2007 - 08:29
we used to make our own stencils with some carboard. by the time you use it a couple of times, the paint protects the cardboard, we used to brush the stuff on with a small paint brush.
From nickhitter - 09 Mar 2007 - 07:30
Adz, so how do you apply the ink? does you just pour it on both sides? or do you use some kind of sponge/brush ? how long does it take to dry?
I've never bothered in the past but rackets do look pretty crap without a logo on the strings! I might get my powerflow elite done. I checked with but couldn't find anything about stenciling ink. Could you give me a link to a page where I can buy some?
From Adz - 08 Mar 2007 - 19:35 - Updated: 08 Mar 2007 - 19:35
Thinking of it, the white ink works really well on the Ashaway Supernick XL Pro (the dark blue string).
From Adz - 08 Mar 2007 - 19:33
To be honest I usually make my own, but you can download/make them from images online. I tend to use a thick presentation sheet (the type used on old overhead projectors). They tend to be durable, flexible and easy to cut into the desired shapes.
On principle I refuse to pay anyone £5 a time for a stencil that I can make a better job of for about 10p and 10 mins of effort (for a rough conversion thats $2.5 vs 5cents!).
It's best to get hold of a brand new racquet with the original factory stencil in place but worst case senario is that I have to download a graphic.
From nickhitter - 08 Mar 2007 - 00:04
Where do you get the actual stencils from? or do you just make your own?
From titleist731 - 07 Mar 2007 - 23:23
From Adz - 07 Mar 2007 - 21:36
I buy mine from "Watkins and Doncaster" in the UK.
Not sure of anywhere else that sells the stuff.
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