Published: 04 Mar 2007 - 18:47 by Potex
Updated: 24 Sep 2008 - 08:33
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My names Ben, i'm in Melbourne Australia and i'm a returning newbie to the sport!
I used to play on my high school team as kid but have recently gotten back into the game for fun at the age of 30. I just bought my first racket - Ashway Graphite Pro 9950. It weighs 145 grams - head light - and has Ashaway Powernick 18 string. I can't find much info on this racket on the net at all. Are these good rackets and have I bought a decent one for a newcommer like myself?
Anyone have experience with Ashaway rackets?
Any advice would be great!

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From hamburglar - 06 Mar 2007 - 07:39
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Learn the right technique with a beginner racquet because I'm guessing that racquet will be broken within the year.
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