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Racket Advice

Published: 02 Mar 2007 - 21:29 by Calvin

Updated: 03 Mar 2007 - 09:07

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I am a advanced squash player that would like a light durable racket that preforms.I  bought a flexy point and some how managed to destroy it by (1) SOFT tap on the wall.I am not up to date on the latest squash rackets as ive been out of squash for 3/4 of a year and would please like some advice on the new rackets.culd u pls help?????????????

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From drop-shot - 03 Mar 2007 - 08:27   -   Updated: 03 Mar 2007 - 09:07

Hi Calvin.
majority of our ambling on rackets, strings and shoes you may get here:

My personal advice woud be Wilson n120 as you are looking for light and durable racket.
Just remember, cut off the ugly WIlson strings right away. Put some Ashaway on or Tecnifibre and you will love it.

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