Help me choose between Wilson Ncode N120 and N130
Published: 12 Feb 2007 - 21:19 by LumpyGravy
Updated: 24 Sep 2008 - 16:14
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Has anyone got any experience with either or ideally both of these rackets and can try to describe their differences in power control etc?
Are they really any different?

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From nickhitter - 13 Feb 2007 - 05:23
From drop-shot - 13 Feb 2007 - 01:35 - Updated: 13 Feb 2007 - 01:35
The Frame in 130 is the most breakable frame in the range of new Wilsons.
Ten grams won't make a differnce, and the feel of n120 is absolutely perfect.
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Sleave is right!
i tried both these recently and they felt very similar to play with but 130 looked/felt a bit more plasticy/flimsy. The n120 is one of the most forgiving rackets I have played with, and feels more solid even though it's lighter. strange.
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