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Squash 500 Scholarship - AUS

Published: 05 Feb 2007 - 17:45 by adam_pberes

Updated: 19 Dec 2008 - 14:38

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NSW Squash Scholarship 500 Program
Is excited to announce the introduction of the Scholarship 500 program, an inituative where companies or individuals can donate monies to sponsor a Scholarship.
Scholarship application forms will be available online 5th February
The first 2 Scholarships, the VG Clonda Memorial & II Clonda, are donated by Carin Clonda in appreciation of her Parents support during her squash career.


Myself, Being a budding young player, who wants to become rather serious about the game, appreciate such a program, especially in AUS where there arn't as many lower level squash things apart from the occasional squash camps/tournaments. Not too much really until you reach a national junior level.


I'll be applying myself As soo as the link is fixed.

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The only thing I am missing are movies from matches.

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