m-fil tour, ICE Elite and ncode rackets
Published: 04 Feb 2007 - 16:06 by RashD
Updated: 19 Sep 2008 - 17:38
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Could someone please give me some information about the racket technologies mentioned in the title... I'd like to find out which technology is newer/ improved between the m-fil and ICE dunlop technologies and how both of those compare with Wilson's ncode rackets?

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From nickhitter - 05 Feb 2007 - 00:41 - Updated: 05 Feb 2007 - 00:41
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m-fil and ice are both current dunlop models, However, they will probably be bringing out the aerogel squash rackets on the back of the tennis rackets, in the coming months.
Don't worry about 'tecnologies' though - they're just gimmicks. They are all basically graphite with a tecnology just written on the paintwork. The important differences are in weight, head size and design, stiffness, string type and tension etc. The only way to know if a racket is right for you is to try it. Some of the older racket designs can be better than the new ones (e.g. dunlop muscleweave better than hotmelt in my opinion), so there is no gurantee that newer is better.
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