Raquet Help
Published: 09 Jan 2007 - 08:32 by pvanleeu
Updated: 25 Sep 2008 - 20:34
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Hello Readers,
I am looking to get a new raquet on a reasonable budget and I was hoping that tapping the knowledge of other members of this website could really help. I have gone through 2 raquets in the past 8 months due to breakages. I know sometimes, I'm a little rough but I also hear that lighter raquets generally break faster. I had an old 160g Head Raquet that lasted 2 years before busting open (rest in peace dear Ti). Can anyone recommend a particular raquet or brand that seems to hold a good reputation for being able to take a little beating without snapping like a twig? For your information the two previous raquest and their lifetime were a Wilson 120g POS that lasted 1 month without it hitting a single wall. and a Head LM 140 that Lasted 7mths (and probably sustained decent damage when it hit a wall).

Please Note: The most recent replies are now at the top!
From rskting - 17 Feb 2007 - 03:52
From Daren - 26 Jan 2007 - 21:39
Hi Peter,
Karakal are the toughest racquets Ive played with. I recommended one to a friend who was breaking a lot of Heads and the Karakal is lasting for him.
They are tough, but have a whippy/flexible frame (may be a good thing or bad thing)
If you get a chance, try one out if it feels good grab it, did i mention they are tough.
From phate344 - 26 Jan 2007 - 04:14
ive fopund that dunlops take a beating but the king of grunt has got to be sum of the heavyer prince racquets ive gt a friend who can lose his temper and tends to hit his racquet on the wall most las a month or 2 but he got this heavy prince racquet which is powere full and he hasent been able to break it(not for a lack of trying) nto sure on the model but its black with orange stripes.
hope that helps
From Joeyoussef71 - 18 Jan 2007 - 13:03
I had the same broken racquet problem when I started. Prince Triple Threat Tungsten (3 months), and a Head Flexpoint 160 (1 month). Then I purchased a Dunlop Hot Melt Pro, and this racquet can take some punishment. I also found that solo drills helped my game, so I didn't hit the wall as much.
Hope this helps.
From pvanleeu - 10 Jan 2007 - 16:18
From Adz - 09 Jan 2007 - 21:40 - Updated: 09 Jan 2007 - 21:41
As Adam says - It all depends on how the racquet feels to you, BUT!!!!
One thing to remember..... You were using a 160g racquet that lasted around 2 years, changed to a 120g racquet that broke in a month. And a 140g racquet that broke in 7 months. There's a pattern here! The heavier the racquet, the more material goes into making them and generally the stronger they are. Yes light racquets are great for improving the speed of your swing or the manouverability of the head, but they come at the cost of not being as durable as the heavier racquets out there.
If you are still in a position where you are breaking racquets against walls (probably because you mis-judge the distance ot the wall for the shot), then I would suggest that you change to a heavier racquet or learn to guage your shots correctly. This is a tough thing to do for someone who hasn't been playing for a long time, as experience tends to bring better judgment during your swing. Here's something to try for practise:
Stand near the wall so that the swing of your racquet to the wall just clips the wall. START SLOWLY and SOFTLY. We don't want you breaking racquets during this exercise! Use a light swing so that the bumper-strip of the racquet (the plastic guard at the top) just touches the wall slightly (you should be able to hear it catch). Change your feet position before every swing. Slowly you'll start to judge the distance correctly each time you play the shot. Once you can get it right every time, increase the speed of your swing, followed by the length of your swing. Eventually you'll be able to play shots WITHOUT cracking your racquet into the wall! Yes in the heat of a really close game when the ball is stuck to the wall, you might make a mis-judgment and break a racquet, but these will be few and far between (I've broke 3 racquets from this in the past 2 years trying to retrieve VERY tight shots at pace!).
Only once you get this right should you consider moving to a light (and less durable!) racquet. For the time being, I'd try for a mid level Dunlop, Prince or Wilson (aorund the 150-160g mark). The Wilson nRage racquet felt very nice when I tried one recently (145g?) and the mid-level Dunlop Black Max Ti is another excellent value and durable contender!
Let us know what you go for and when you feel you're ready to step up to the lighter racquets. We'll give you a hand with choosing them too!
From adam_pberes - 09 Jan 2007 - 14:29
I'll Save Someone Else From Saying it now...
Really, IT's All how it feels to you!
But Anyway...
I Reccomend A Dunlop Precision, It's a pretty good feel(once re-gripped), not too pricey and it's takien quite a beating from me( mainly my dad ). My dad pl,ays like a tennis player and is always hitting the wall, and it's actually still pretty good considring what we've done to it.
Also depends at what level you play though...
From adam_pberes - 09 Jan 2007 - 14:26
From squash36 - 09 Jan 2007 - 13:09
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get blacknight- i tried to break it but can't. just can't break them. get the red 140 or the yellow 130 magnums.
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