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Squash Corts London

Published: 04 Jan 2007 - 07:23 by Wisey

Updated: 24 Sep 2008 - 08:56

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Hey guys i'm looking for some squashs courts in london where I don't need to be a member (pay as you play).  Ideally it would be some place nearish to Bethnal Green or the Borough or just central.  I'd really appreciate it if you guys could give me a pointer on this, seems like you always need to become a member (Expensive?). Thanks

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From Adz - 04 Jan 2007 - 20:21

Look for leisure centres or public sports facilities.

Pros: No membership.

Cons: Courts tend to be of a lower standard and dirty/dusty. Courts are VERY expensive if you play a lot (Upwards of £7 a court?! - twice a week is £700 a year!). Standards are usually higher in private clubs as they attract the better players with the better facilities.


January is a good time to look around at club memberships of multi-sport facilities (like David Lloyd clubs or E-Sporta Clubs). These places usually have deals that give you discounted memberships and then the courts are free (or very cheap) to use.


Weigh up how much you play on playing in a year. How much will this cost you versus the money you'd spend on joining a private club.

As I'm not from the area I couldn't tell you actual places to play in London, but I went through the above thought process when I first moved to the West Midlands.


Good luck!


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