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Christmas Blog

Published: 25 Dec 2006 - 11:23 by raystrach

Updated: 25 Dec 2006 - 11:23

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Although I don't belong to any religion in particular, I was brought up in a Christian environment. And while that may not necessarily be good or bad, the one tthing that is has given us is the tradition of Christmas.

And that is definitely a good thing.

If the crass commercialism is set aside and the actual religious celebration either embraced or ignored depending on your religious persuasion,  the Christmas message and tradition is a great one. It can be encapsulated in a simple phrase:


It is a message that can be used by every one on Earth, no matter what your creed, nationality, race or belief system is. John Lennon Imagined it, and hopefully the world can do it.

Bringing back to the very small but varied world of Squash is very simple for me. If only the world was like our game. Competing our hearts out when playing, fighting for every point, using all that we have to get a victory, but when it's over, shaking hands as a way of embracing the spirit of the game and of the competition.

I have said it before, but the world would be so much better if our disagreements could be settled in such a way. If we could all simply respect each other for what we are and treat each other with respect.

Each year I endeavour (but don't necessarily succeed) in looking inside myself to find where I need to improve myself to ensure that I enjoy life more, treat others better and get more out of myself. This year I am going to make an extra effort to play my part in making this a more peaceful world. To live my daily life in a way that might encourage others to do the same.

In encourage you to play a small part in stopping the conflict that is happen on our small rock flying through the galaxy. We all need it to happen.

Peace on Earth, good will to all.squash game squash extras How to add images to Members' Forum posts and replies here...


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