Info for Your Squashgame


Published: 20 Dec 2006 - 11:27 by SamBWFC

Updated: 26 Sep 2008 - 07:42

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Tonight I got told I 'keep snatching at the ball'. Anyone give me some more info on this? I should have asked him, but I was pretty angry with my game and I wasn't in the mood for speaking.


I'll have a guess that it is a shot with a poor backswing or a sliced shot? Can't totally remember but I think I got told it after I played a shot where my opponent was stood right behind me and I didn't want to hit him with a full backswing. Shall I just ignore the player in future?


I also got told my overall game is very good and I can play all the shots, although I'm 'trying to knock the player off the court' with a load of hard shots and need to keep my frustration levels down. Don't know if this added info helps, and any recommendations as to what to do?


Thanks for all your help, you're the reason my overall game is good.

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From rippa rit - 24 Dec 2006 - 07:02   -   Updated: 24 Dec 2006 - 07:03

Sam - I just put a search in "crowding" and got 13 replies, all of which in some way refer to crowding while on court.
Have a browse, and see if you are now comfortable with your rights on court.
I emphasise it is absolutely imperative to position your body/feet using your backswing (provided it is not excessive) to give you comfortable positioning to make your stroke.
Take a step back if necessary to move your opponent off your "back".

Sam, another point too, is to be aware of your opponent's position on court at all times, and that will mean being side on while watching the ball, giving you a better idea of your opponent's movement on court.  A side on stance is much better than front-on also.

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From SamBWFC - 24 Dec 2006 - 06:03

Yeah thanks for the help.


I've realised that a lot of the time on this 'snatching' is because my opponent is stood really close behind me on the T. This is very annoying as I don't want to hit my opponent with my backswing, but I also want to play a proper shot. I read an article on this on the main page a few days ago, should I just ask for a let in this situation?


I haven't asked for lets before in this case because I always think they'll say no let while they're just stood behind me.

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From raystrach - 21 Dec 2006 - 18:29

hi sambwfc

in my coaching lingo, snatching bat the ball is not taking a full swing at it. this usually means that arc of your swing is a lot smaller than it should be. slav suggested this might help deception. while this could well be true, it also means that you probably run hot and cold - some days you are on, some days you are off.  adz said something along similar lines.

two points which might help here are
  1. earlier preparation
  2. swing through to the target point
(review the technique section in the library)

your comment on your state of mind when you finished your game also indicates that you are probably letting your emotions get in the way of your performance. as someone who expects a high standard of myself, i know how hard it can be when coming off after a poor performance.

my suggestion is that you try to keep your emotions in check (review the mental skills  library section  on 'arousal') during your game. if after the game your are angry , go somewhere away from everyone else and let your frustrations out without it affecting others and without embarrassing yourself.

hope this strikes a chord somewhere

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From BizarreCo - 20 Dec 2006 - 19:19

"Snatching" describes a shot where you make contact with the ball at speed without a "clean" swing (like you've rushed your shots and mis-hit them). Often the improper swing causes the ball to travel in directions that you didn't want it to go in, and results in loose play and poor length. This leads to frustration, which in turn leads to you rushing at your shots even more, which makes things worse!


If you find yourself in this situation again, go back to basics. Take your time on the swing and get your positioning right for a few points. Keep the ball slightly slower and work on getting it tighter to the wall. Sometimes it can take as little as one ralley to get your head back into the game!



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From drop-shot - 20 Dec 2006 - 17:10   -   Updated: 20 Dec 2006 - 17:10

Your opponen was frustrated, that's all. He wanted to offend you but in a polite way, that is all.

I think that "snatching at the ball" mean that he could not see your shots selection, which is good for you. And you were always very fast and furious on the ball, which does not sound so good :-)

Have a gooday

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I will continue my practice, but just wanted to share my joy with you.

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