Racquet Help!
Published: 04 Dec 2006 - 01:21 by gregzilla
Updated: 19 Sep 2008 - 17:41
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Hi, I am looking for a new racquet. I am currently playing with a Karakal Bti-150. This is a good racquet, but it feels very "slow". I used to play with a Phoenix Apex (weird Canadian knockoff ;-)) which was not too heavy and felt really quick. Helped make up for my poor footwoork, poor preparation, etc :). And very good for quick volleys and such. I am biggish (6'2, 185 lbs) and with my current racquet have problems volleying, especially when the ball is hit into my body. I played with my old racquet a week ago, my wife has the same one, and it made a big difference.
The Bti-150 is 150g unstrung and head light, but does not feel so quick. Does anyone have an recommendations? Dunlop Ice Elite/Tour? Wilson NTour? E-Squash Carbon? I have read the reviews on this site, but I am still not sure. Where I play there is no pro shop so I can't really try much out before buying, unless one of my fellow club members has the racquet I am interested in.

Please Note: The most recent replies are now at the top!
From rippa rit - 04 Dec 2006 - 06:58 - Updated: 04 Dec 2006 - 07:38
From gregzilla - 04 Dec 2006 - 01:33 - Updated: 04 Dec 2006 - 06:50
Also, can anyone recommend someplace to buy/try a racquet in Glasgow? I have found about two shops that carry racquets here and frankly they are both rubbish :).
Oh, and why can't I put proper links in :)?
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To explain it for you this is the procedure
Here is a link talking about racket weight too - use the search feature maybe too.
What now - take more notice of these things I mention so when buying a racket you build up some preferences when choosing a bat....confusing
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