Wilson - ntour
Published: 02 Dec 2006 - 09:50 by mangina
Updated: 01 Mar 2007 - 10:03
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From mangina - 01 Mar 2007 - 10:03
From Adz - 12 Feb 2007 - 01:48
Try to find a sympathetic stringer who'd be prepared to do you the second string at half price if the first isn't suitable.
Hope that helps a little!

p.s. I'm using Supernick XL Pro at 26lbs (M) and 25.5lbs (X) in a Grays Powerflow Elite. Didn't need to change the tensions very much and 10% as recommended would have made the strings too loose for my liking!
From SquashNorthof60 - 10 Feb 2007 - 11:24
I was able to demo the racket before buying and I liked it quite a bit. After which I played with it twice and have gone back to an old black knight that I have strung with powernick 18.
It seems that i just don't get any power with this racket and while the control seems to be fine on the whole it just doesn't seem to be as good as many other rackets that I have tried. Nor does it seem to be as nice as when i demoed it?
As far as the powernick 18 string what tension are people using?
I have my black knight strung at 26lbs. Someone mentioned using 23lbs because you are supposed to use 10-15% less than normal. However, the recomended tension range on the racket is between 24-28lbs. Does this range only apply for regular string?
From nickhitter - 28 Jan 2007 - 21:50
Although I can't speak on behalf of Mangina, I can say that I've used this racket for about a month for testing purposes and found that, because of the small head size maybe, it has to be strung slightly looser than you might expect. The one I was testing was strung with supernick xl at 28lbs and it felt quite stiff and 'board like' so I had it re-strung with powernick 18 at just 23lbs (remember that zyex strings should be strung around 15% lower tension than normal because they don't loose tension by the same amount as other nylon multifilament strings) and the racket felt fantastic. In my dunlop this tension would have felt ridiculous with it's tecnifibre 305, but it didn't feel spongy at all in the ntour with powernick 18. just responsive and powerful, with great bite and control.
From dehamtona - 28 Jan 2007 - 09:45
From drop-shot - 02 Dec 2006 - 22:11 - Updated: 02 Dec 2006 - 22:11
you should go to GEAR REVIEWS section to read more detailed discussion on nTour.
One hint for you regqrding power. It is your technique and swing that creates power of hit.
You can be sure that you may generate unbelieveable power using lighter rackets.
P.S. Althou Itend to agree on Helixx strings/ pretty crapy nylon /
and generally I have bad opinion about default factory strings
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