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Published: 24 Nov 2006 - 18:56 by drop-shot

Updated: 24 Dec 2006 - 04:54

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Hello dear members and admins and everybody...

I'd like to ask whether it's possible to be notified via e-mail of responses to the topic I am subscribed to? I hope I am not the only one asking for that. With my all love to squash and dedication to I can't allow myself to wait on-line for the responses or answer somebody's post.

This would be nice :-)squash game squash extras How to add images to Members' Forum posts and replies here...


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From VolleyDrop - 24 Dec 2006 - 04:51   -   Updated: 24 Dec 2006 - 04:54

I was thinking of asking this same question.  I'm a member of several golf forums and it's very handy to be notified when someone responds and to be able to turn off notification for threads you are no longer interested in.  That way you don't have to sift through tens or hundreds of posts to see if there has been a response.  Of course, that doesn't (yet) apply here, but email notification would be very helpful.

I don't understand what you said, raystrach, about RSS.  I use IE 6 right now.  Can you explain how the RSS feed works in the toolbar and how I would use it to keep track of threads I'm interested in?  Thanks!


Now I see the My Forum Posts link.  That's a great feature.

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From drop-shot - 27 Nov 2006 - 22:24   -   Updated: 27 Nov 2006 - 22:24

RRS Feed is done but it still does not fully answer my needs. But - I believe that it will be the matter of time and everything will work well.

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From raystrach - 26 Nov 2006 - 08:52   -   Updated: 26 Nov 2006 - 08:57

hi slavic

yes, notification has been on our radar, but it is not a priority at the moment.

almost as good is our rss feed which give you the most recent of our forum and other topics in your browser toolbar.

I know firefox and safari support live bookmarks and may the latest ie may do so as well. if your browser does support bookmarks, simply click here and subscribe

you can also click the rss link on the front page under the forum list.

let me know how you go

ps also, the squashgame toolbar also has this feed built in to the toolbar which is good for ie and firefox users (safari is not supported)

get the toolbar here

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