e-squash - E-Squash James Willstrop Racket
Published: 21 Nov 2006 - 06:56 by SamBWFC
Updated: 13 Dec 2009 - 08:41
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Now, a couple of questions:
1. Is this the one priced at £150 on sportdiscount.com or is it the one where it says "Two rackets for £80"? He claims it's the expensive one but I'm not too convinced.
2. Has anyone used this racket before? I won it for £25 so it's not exactly damaging to the bank account! The spec looks good, but obviously that isn't enough, I'd rather hear from a player's opinion.
If you're wondering about the eBay username too, that's my dad's, not mine! I was out when the auction was coming to a close so I couldn't bid.

Please Note: The most recent replies are now at the top!
From Milck - 13 Dec 2009 - 08:41
From Lazlo440 - 24 Aug 2007 - 06:00
the Canary Warf. So I figured if it was good enough for him it would work for me. I bought 2 in June 2007 and my first impression was that the racket was crap! But wit a Karakal
PU Super Grip and Supernick, one at 30-32 and one at 31-33 it's a great racket.
I still use it.
I've recently used:
M-fil Tour & Pro
ICE Tour & Pro
Hot Melt Pro Titanium, white & black versions
Titanium Revelation Tour
Titanium 3D
The best I've ever used is the M-Fil Tour, bought 4, used them all for 4 months,
then broke 3 in the same game! OK, it was a hard game and I'm a heavy hitter, but 3!!! Other players in my club and players all over Sweden are experiencing the same
From SamBWFC - 19 Aug 2007 - 00:48
I'm selling it with a bag and a couple of squash balls and there's a lot of people who seem interested.
I've just bought another Hot Melt Pro, got it new for £25 but with no strings but still a good deal.
From Adz - 17 Aug 2007 - 18:00
Sam, I sold one on Ebay recently and they actually go very well on there considering how much you can buy them for new! Best of luck and I hope you get what you wanted for it!
From SamBWFC - 17 Aug 2007 - 05:47
Ok I've used this quite a bit now and I still can't really get used to it. It is quite light at the head and you can't get much power on the shots, it's more for the touch/precision players really, something I am not.
I am actually selling this on eBay now and hoping to get something more similar to my Hot Melt Pro. I've always liked the look of Prince rackets but they are a bit out of my price range. If anyone has any recommendations that are similar to the Hot Melt then let me know.
From BizarreCo - 13 Dec 2006 - 23:15
I'd probably recommend that you try to find a Head Smartsorb shock absorber. When I was using these racquets I used them and it took away almost all of the vibration from the strings. Also try to use a string that is a mulitfilament nylon construction - they will fray quickly but they'll feel lovely in that racquet.
From SamBWFC - 13 Dec 2006 - 03:57
Ok I've used this a few times, and after putting a Karakal PU super grip on it does feel a lot better.
Must say though, the strings are very poor. It vibrates every time I hit the ball and I'm not getting any power on the shots. A lad in my club said he had the same one as me once and restrung it straight away, and did say it was a good racket after the restringing.
Overall it does feel like a good, solid racket but if you do get one, re-grip and re-string straight away. I still prefer my Dunlop Hot Melt Pro though.
From nickhitter - 22 Nov 2006 - 09:22
From SamBWFC - 22 Nov 2006 - 08:26
BizzareCo, I'm kind of careful with my rackets, I've never broken a racket (touch wood) and I've been playing for six years!
From paul01323 - 22 Nov 2006 - 04:26
From BizarreCo - 21 Nov 2006 - 22:24
I used to have 4 of these rackets which were offered to me as an alternative to the Dunlops I was using when the copany were out of stock.
The bad news is that I broke 3 of them in 4 weeks! I sent them back and had them replaced by another model of Dunlop in the end.
The rackets are very nice in apearance and the balance and feel are spot on, but I just found them incredibly prone to breakage (At the time I'd only broken 3 rackets in 4 years!). I found that they all broke at the very top of the head of the racket. Two through wall impacts and 1 though a hard shot in the middle of a vigorus warm up session whilst coaching juniors!
Now the good news is that I've come across 2 other people that use these rackets and have NEVER broken any of them. In fact they think that their very hard wearing. Just keep checking the top of the racket for damage and you'll be fine, but then again at £25 you can't really complain!
From nickhitter - 21 Nov 2006 - 21:52
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i gotta say i really like this racket. i also use a dunlop ice pro, you can tell both of these rackets are for high standard usage, the level of control is fantastic. however, decent power for those down-the-wall rallies isnt easily accesible on either. however the power is meant to come mainly from your technique anyway which this racket definately allows for. i found the weight and balance to be perfect and it looks snazzy with green technifibre strings too :) . these are still going cheap on ebay in fact i saw one go for under a tenner the other day! definately worth the money try one out!
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