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Squash Chat and Mini Poll

Published: 07 Nov 2006 - 07:52 by raystrach

Updated: 14 Feb 2007 - 19:36

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Over the past few months, Rita and I have been talking about conducting regular Squash chats. However because of time constraints we have not been able to get it happening. Although we don't seem to have any more time, it seems the time has come for it to happen anyway.

We intend to promote, initially about 1 per month at least, a scheduled Squash chat on a particular topic. to start we would like your feedback on the time to hold this. So just go to the mini poll and select a time, relative the the time clock which is placed just above the mini poll.

We will use the chat feature on the Squashgame toolbar (Download here). For members, the chat feature is also available in the menu, top left. Obviously this feature can be used at any time by any members or those who have a toolbar.

For those who have not seen it, it has quite a few nifty features which I find handy (especially the weather report and international Squash links) See the features here

If you are interested in Squash please let us know when you would like it to happen.

(please not firefox 2 users may have some difficulties with the toolbar opening in a new tab and not a separate smaller window. use the link on the top left menu and you should not have any problems)squash game squash extras How to add images to Members' Forum posts and replies here...


Please Note: The most recent replies are now at the top!

From Adz - 14 Feb 2007 - 19:36   -   Updated: 14 Feb 2007 - 19:36

As much as I'd love to be involved, I think the UK timing might rule me out


But if I can be there I will!




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From adam_pberes - 14 Feb 2007 - 17:46   -   Updated: 14 Feb 2007 - 17:46

Count Me In!


A Great topic I think would be the Weighty Subject topic that was mentioned in the forums somewhere, the one which is a great debate and has HEAPS of posts.

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From rippa rit - 14 Feb 2007 - 17:09

hi members - the chat is getting just be patient....we also have another player to get into the action so just not be in a hurry for it to happen....we are not idle though it may seem that way.

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From rippa rit - 24 Nov 2006 - 06:45

Just thinking about the topics for the chat...hear the wheels turning!!
I think to select the most recent interesting topic/s from the forum would be good, and this week it has been Response Time, Rackets, Strings.

Is that a logical way to select the topics?

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From raystrach - 21 Nov 2006 - 19:45

Your last chance to vote on the mini-poll. we will announcing in the next few days, the date, time and subject of our first online Squash-Chat.

get in now and vote on a time, if you are interested in taking part  in this chat session.

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From rippa rit - 12 Nov 2006 - 09:33

So far 9pm is looking good for the Chat. 
Keep filling out the Mini Poll.

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Nicely summarised tip, thanks! I think I'll note that into my squash folder!

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