new racket
Published: 01 Nov 2006 - 20:15 by peterdavid
Updated: 19 Sep 2008 - 17:42
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Just recently bought a new squash racket, and have noticed a noise (a rattle type noise) when ever i shake the racket. It sounds as though something has come loose inside the frame? Does anyone know if this is a sign of weakness in the racket? and should i take it back to the shop?

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From gwl - 01 Nov 2006 - 21:14 - Updated: 01 Nov 2006 - 21:16
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I doubt your racquet is supposed to have something loose inside it.
Maybe a restringer would be able to fix it? (at the expense of a restring)
If convenient, return it to the place of purchase and exchange it. Sometimes those sounds can be just plain annoying but wouldn't have too much of an effect on the performance of the racquet.
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