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Is training boring?

Published: 28 Oct 2006 - 08:52 by rippa rit

Updated: 01 Nov 2006 - 10:33

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Some days we just go through the motions of training.  Ways to put a bit of pizazz into it:
  • Change training times/partners.
  • Change the environment - visit another club.
  • Put a small wager on the match, eg a beer!! oops
  • Limit the number of points you lose against a lesser player.
  • Enter a tournament.
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From rippa rit - 01 Nov 2006 - 10:33

Slavic - yes, it is good to follow a long term plan which is obviously what you are doing.

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From drop-shot - 01 Nov 2006 - 05:02   -   Updated: 01 Nov 2006 - 05:02

Yes, I hear you, Rita.
Tournaments, interclubs are good way of skills evaluation, no doubt.

But look here: I am focused on my training, I have goals to be delivered.

I found disadventages of my previous training regime (far too much, too often, too much games, too much tournaments, no time to think, no time to prepare). I thought I work hard so it has to pay off. Now I work smart. I will keep my trainings the way it is for now for three months more, and from Jan-Feb I will join tournaments. Let me be a bit cheeky a and say I am in the final of the first tournament I attend. I believe. And I am not scared of the "better players" doing perfectly figures 8, 4, or whatever figures. I leave the tricks for clowns and other artists. Squash is a very simple game full of grace...  I believe in efficiency of basic game. That's what I do practice. with a lot of heart, sweat and humility.

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From rippa rit - 31 Oct 2006 - 08:13

Slavic - I guess the tournaments/comp are the best ways to reset or adjust your training goals.  The variety of opponents mostly  show how adaptable your game is under different types of pressure situations. 
Maybe, just every three months try some tournament play against unknown opponents to see how it is all working.
Of course, the mind gets more stress under tournament conditions too.
No problem, just a thought.

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From drop-shot - 30 Oct 2006 - 23:51   -   Updated: 30 Oct 2006 - 23:51

re: my recent playing partners... Well, I admit, there is nobody wanting to play with me in the club as they see I take serious classes with the best coach in town, they see me practicing alone... You know what I mean. Inter-club Tournaments are the only occasions to check current form. I am not afraid of them at all. I've learn to be modest. And I've learned humility.

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From BizarreCo - 30 Oct 2006 - 19:23

I treat everytime that I go on court as one of two things:

1) A way to push myself further (against an equal or better player)

2) A way to push my opponent further (against someone not as strong)


By holding these as my main aims on court, I find that I can keep striving higher on court and don't give up even when I know I stand no chance against a far superior opponent. Also (although I admit it could look sadistic), I try to push people for are of a lesser standard than myself, in order for them to reach new levels on court (be this in movement, fitness or shot play). I often try to give advice to such players (if they want it!) to help them to understand what small improvement they can start to make in their games. I just wish better players would do this for me!


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From rippa rit - 30 Oct 2006 - 08:07   -   Updated: 30 Oct 2006 - 08:08

Slavic - you are keeping yourself motivated and always searching for ways to keep moving forward.  Sounds like the cycling and walking are saving your knees too which is very important.
So you do not have opponent's to play generally?  Your coach is your main opposition?
When is your next tournament?
That seems a good balance of skills and fitness too.

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From drop-shot - 30 Oct 2006 - 02:35   -   Updated: 30 Oct 2006 - 02:35

Training being boring? Oh gosh, then you  should definitely quit squash. It's like saying that you have boring life/wife. and from the other hand - They say intelligent people never get bored.

I visited Brussels last week. I took my squash gear - just in case. I joined the Open Day evening in one of the leading sport centres. I did it for two reasons.

1. To evaluate my training regime from Frankfurt
2. To play with some people that I do not know at all.

To my big surprise, the tension dissapeared from my muscles and strains after 10 minutes and I started to play extraordinary squash. No tricks, no deception. Just basic squash - 4 corners. And I was really focused on winning point-after-point. I kept on mantring in my mind "open the face-eyes on the ball-keep it tight -keep it wide and deep". And it all worked out. A lot of winners were my service. I did not really practice lob services, but thiis time it looked too good. And, as I assumed before the games, I did overuse my deadly weapon, backhand drop-shot.

So, serious training regime pays off. 3 hours per week with coach, three hours solo practice. A lot of bicycling and long-distance walking in the meantime.

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" I am sure Rita and Ray will answer in more details. I will try to answer the way I understand it. "

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